Friday, March 25, 2011


Being in Mötley Crüe was insane!!!

Riley says " Ima punch you"


Monday, March 21, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

todays borrowed photos, and one story.

As you can see I got this photo from 4Q blog ruler extraordinaire
I have made this journey. KS&MO fucking suck
I think hes trying to say that he is down to sex

I heard a story about Brad Pitt, and this bike. First of the story came from a douche who rides a fucking Yamahog pos, and he is one of those guys that thinks that because his bike is crazy loud, he is cool!HA! He claims that he was in LA(bull shit), and witnessed Brad kicking his bike for an hour!! making fun of him!!! first off I tried kicking my friends panhead the other day, and almost broke my leg. second this guy does'nt have the mojo to stand in Brad Pitts shadow let alone, kick start a bike, or even think about riding a panhead.