This photo reminds me of when Bijou was a puppy, and I want another muntipoo so BIJ has a friend. I don't know if Shani and I have enough time for another pup though..... what a pickle!!!!!
The Man Who Wears Many Hats.
So when I was young I knew that my grand father was an amateur photographer, and he had a bunch of photography gear n shat. Well he passed away when I was about 10.. it was 1991, and a huge surprise to the family, bummer. Fast forward about 8 years, and I am going through my Grandfathers tool box..what do I find... dozens of photos very similar to the photo above. My grand father was a ladies man, as well as a photographer,geologist, pharmacist(that's what he did for a living), and a botanist.
shave your legs!!!
small city cycles kicks out some of the best triumphs anywhere.